1.   She crossed the room and flung the window open, then sneezed as the sudden breeze sent dust motes dancing in the air.

2.   But now the dust motes are flying with the emergence of Alibris, a virtual used bookseller with Wall Street ambitions and Silicon Valley money.

3.   Dust motes in the beam lines can disrupt the lasers and prevent them from reaching the pellets with full power.

4.   Occasionally the collection, shown this morning, looked as insignificant as a dust mote, with pale chiffon tunics drooping listlessly over brown leggings.

5.   Past and present twirled like dust motes in the sunbeams filling the sanctuary with light.

6.   To remember only yourself is like worshipping a dust mote.

dust + n. >>共 119
mite 14.84%
cloud 14.02%
particle 11.99%
mask 8.54%
bunny 3.46%
collector 2.24%
level 2.03%
cloth 1.83%
ball 1.42%
pollution 1.42%
mote 1.22%
每页显示:    共 6