1.   One hundred and thirty nine adult patients with dyspeptic complaints had upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with multiple biopsies performed at defined sites in the gastric antrum and duodenal bulb.

2.   To determine the extent of gastric metaplasia, multiple biopsy specimens were collected from standardised sites of the duodenal bulb.

3.   The question has been raised whether these changes result in restoration of the duodenal mucosa and disappearance of gastric epithelium from the duodenal bulb.

4.   Water, seen as a bright image, fills the stomach and delineates the corpus, the antrum, and the duodenal bulb.

5.   During the final five minutes of this sequence a period of intense activity was obvious and coincided with the emptying of water from the stomach and duodenal bulb.

6.   The two patients in whom coagulation was not achieved had ulcers located in the inferior and posterior wall of the duodenal bulb, respectively.

7.   The two patients in whom the lesion was not reached had ulcers located in the inferior and posterior wall of duodenal bulb.

8.   We detected residual peptic lesions in the duodenal bulb of four group II patients at the final follow up examination.

a. + bulb >>共 215
dim 5.44%
fluorescent 5.08%
incandescent 4.54%
single 3.99%
electric 3.27%
bare 3.27%
new 2.36%
naked 2.18%
spring-flowering 2.18%
small 2.00%
duodenal 1.81%
duodenal + n. >>共 30
ulcer 56.92%
mucosa 6.72%
ulceration 6.72%
bulb 3.95%
juice 3.95%
biopsy 3.56%
content 3.56%
lumen 1.98%
resistance 1.58%
damage 1.19%
每页显示:    共 10