1.   Contract drafting and negotiation Contract drafting can generally proceed concurrently with due diligence.

2.   Indemnities for specific items already identified by the key features review and any further items discovered at due diligence.

3.   Presumably the Democratic National Committee checked the guest list with due diligence as to foreign corporate connections.

4.   By doing this, non-craft trained staff can repeat faithfully the correct cooking instructions thereby ensuring a monitor to due diligence and allowing greater management peace of mind.

5.   Consequently due diligence forms a larger and more important part of share sales than of asset sales and in terms of legal costs can be an expensive process.

6.   As with due diligence, the warranties in an asset sale are likely to be far shorter and hence quicker and cheaper to negotiate than in a share sale.

7.   The purchaser and vendor should consider whether or not they wish to sign heads of terms before proceeding to due diligence and negotiating the sale agreement.

8.   If no agreement has been signed, the vendor may want an appropriate agreement before revealing any confidential information as part of the due diligence.

9.   Warranties and indemnities.

10.   Restrictive covenants.

a. + diligence >>共 30
due 78.40%
great 1.85%
same 1.85%
defensive 1.23%
utmost 1.23%
admirable 0.62%
alone 0.62%
characteristic 0.62%
current 0.62%
deadpan 0.62%
due + n. >>共 1512
year 2.50%
diligence 2.22%
election 2.01%
time 1.82%
date 1.66%
game 1.61%
report 1.61%
loss 1.47%
month 1.15%
week 1.05%
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