1.   But much of this stuff is of dubious quality, with several telecom issues from a few years ago already turning sour.

2.   But most agree that it is due far more to convenience and viewer laziness than their dubious quality.

3.   But much of the remaining equipment is considered obsolete Soviet models that were of dubious quality when procured more than six years ago.

4.   Loyalty is a dubious quality in politics, particularly for those who work in the White House.

5.   Morris is just as tough on Wall Street for cranking out a steady stream of Internet IPOs, many of them of dubious quality.

6.   Morelia has no toilets and water from crude taps is of dubious quality, but the village does have electricity.

7.   On top of the dubious quality of most messages, the sheer volume can be overwhelming.

8.   Part of the problem for both cars was dubious quality and reliability.

9.   Rather than compete across the board with PC clones of dubious quality, Spindler said, Apple will focus its efforts.

10.   The Mei Shi Ting offers cuisine of dubious quality, although its Confucian dishes are meant to represent the perfect balance of tastes, shapes and textures.

a. + quality >>共 1452
high 9.33%
poor 4.86%
good 4.14%
sound 3.35%
better 3.35%
higher 2.67%
same 1.92%
star 1.90%
highest 1.71%
top 1.68%
dubious 0.27%
dubious + n. >>共 459
distinction 7.45%
honor 3.24%
value 2.16%
quality 1.57%
record 1.37%
claim 1.37%
practice 1.27%
accounting 1.18%
deal 1.18%
decision 0.98%
每页显示:    共 16