1.   Ashcroft and Macedo said their countries are working out strategies on illegal immigration, drug trafficking and arms trafficking.

2.   At the Justice Department, Attorney General Janet Reno said that her agency was examining whether U.S. intelligence on drug trafficking in Mexico had been compromised by Gutierrez.

3.   Bryant and Myers pleaded guilty earlier this month to drug trafficking and money laundering and agreed to cooperate with investigators.

4.   Cohen also expressed interest in combating international crime and drug trafficking, two enemies the armed forces have not always been eager to battle.

5.   Drug trafficking, a relatively new entry in the list of Haitian woes, has taken on a menacing intensity.

6.   Drug trafficking, squashed in one region, simply pops up in another.

7.   Financial institutions will have to report any assets they suspect were acquired through murder, embezzlement, drug trafficking and other crimes.

8.   For their part, owners have had to cope with encampments of homeless people, drug trafficking and vandalism in their spaces.

9.   Garcia Abrego is charged with money laundering, drug trafficking, trying to bribe a public official and directing a continuing criminal enterprise.

10.   He was also thought to be involved in car theft rings, drug trafficking and arms smuggling, they said.

n. + traffic >>共 73
drug 55.76%
arm 6.69%
narcotic 3.35%
charge 1.12%
company 1.12%
datum 1.12%
information 1.12%
man 1.12%
weapon 1.12%
group 0.74%
drug + v. >>共 520
be 31.69%
have 4.61%
work 3.45%
traffic 2.96%
help 2.64%
cause 2.60%
become 1.66%
come 1.48%
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