1.   Drugs include any intoxicant other than alcohol therefore even solvent abuse and driving May be covered by this offence.

2.   Also today, Warner-Lambert said it plans to restructure a second joint venture with Glaxo Wellcome, whose drugs include the best-selling ulcer medication, Zantac.

3.   Common drugs included Mellaril, Elavil, Prozac and Zoloft.

4.   Generic drugs are an important tool in combating the high cost of prescription drugs, and biotech drugs include some of the most expensive products in the world.

5.   In a trading statement, London-based Zeneca said new drugs driving growth include Accolate for asthma and Casodex and Arimidex for cancer.

6.   Its brands include Gerber and Cibavision, and its major drugs include Diovan for high blood pressure and Sandimmun, used by organ transplant patients.

7.   PET drugs include positron-emitting isotopes with such a short half-life that they must be produced very close to where they will be used.

8.   Such drugs include antibiotic Trovan, schizophrenia drug Zeldox and Viagra for impotence.

9.   Termeer said the lone dissenter was a panel member who thought the drug should include uses not directly studied by the company.

10.   The best-selling generic drugs include cold medicines, pain relievers and blood-pressure drugs, and pharmacists say minor impurities in such products would not hurt most people.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
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list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
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drug 0.08%
drug + v. >>共 520
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have 4.61%
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traffic 2.96%
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come 1.48%
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