1.   He supports the medical use of marijuana and the distribution of clean needles to drug addicts to prevent the spread of AIDS.

2.   In return for their blood samples, Krayniak said, those recruited, many of them drug addicts, received prescriptions from doctors who worked at the clinics.

3.   Second, although bikers hang out there, so do recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

4.   The criminal justice system until recently ignored the reality that drug addicts suffer from an illness, one that demands treatment.

5.   Under the new law, only the mentally ill, drug addicts and convicted criminals may not own a gun.

6.   It also urged expansion of programs to provide clean syringes to drug addicts as an AIDS-prevention measure.

7.   A Lebanese man has been arrested here for smuggling heroin inside potato crisp packets to drug addicts receiving hospital treatment for their addiction, a newspaper said Wednesday.

8.   The commission report said half the prostitutes in Sweden were also drug addicts.

v. + addict >>共 99
help 12.20%
treat 12.20%
recover 4.88%
drug 3.90%
counsel 2.93%
get 2.44%
arrest 1.95%
involve 1.95%
make 1.95%
rehabilitate 1.95%
drug + n. >>共 164
trafficker 10.43%
use 4.28%
company 4.01%
abuse 2.67%
woman 2.67%
addict 2.14%
dealer 2.14%
smuggler 2.14%
treatment 2.14%
charge 1.87%
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