1.   But the drought has hurt production of those crops.

2.   Drought hurt row crops such as cotton and milo much more than citrus, Thornton said.

3.   In wheat-king Kansas, drought has also hurt production potential.

4.   Q. The drought is hurting my annuals and vegetables.

5.   The tourism drought has also hurt companies that transport people to airports.

6.   Although the drought will hurt many farmers, it is not affecting enough of the country to have much impact on food prices, said Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman.

7.   Meteorologists called for drier conditions in that region, where crops already have been hurt by drought.

8.   Prolonged drought might also hurt shipping traffic through the Panama Canal which connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

9.   Some of the same regions have also been hurt by drought, the Vietnam News said.

10.   The drought also hurt gold production as rivers used to ship materials to small-scale mines dried up.

n. + hurt >>共 1148
rate 4.27%
dollar 3.85%
price 2.40%
yen 1.96%
economy 1.31%
cost 1.18%
cut 1.13%
sanction 1.07%
crisis 1.02%
loss 0.93%
drought 0.27%
drought + v. >>共 189
be 17.58%
cause 5.36%
force 4.72%
hit 3.97%
affect 3.64%
continue 3.54%
end 2.79%
have 1.93%
reduce 1.71%
mean 1.61%
hurt 1.29%
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