1.   And a big drop could prompt some producers to shut higher-cost mines and slow expansion plans.

2.   A sharp stock market drop could prompt them to stop spending, raising the odds of recession.

3.   The expected drop in profit prompted analysts to slash earnings forecasts even as BTR said it expects an improvement in the second half.

4.   The steep drop prompted him to go to his boss, Margaret McConnell, and suggest a probe.

5.   The steep drop prompted the Bank of Canada to sell some of its U.S. dollar reserves and buy Canadian currency to slow the retreat, traders said.

6.   Those drops prompted concern that an global economic slowdown might ensue, causing U.S. exports and corporate profits to wilt.

7.   The drop has prompted many businesses to either shut down or accept only dollars, a move that hurts small retailers who sell their products for shillings.

8.   The drop prompted the Taiwanese government to intervene and buy shares to prop up prices.

9.   The drop prompted a rise in prices while Yugoslavs stormed their shops fearing food shortages.

n. + prompt >>共 1135
attack 2.43%
incident 2.36%
move 2.23%
report 2.17%
case 1.78%
concern 1.49%
decision 1.36%
death 1.15%
announcement 0.97%
violence 0.95%
drop 0.19%
drop + v. >>共 238
be 36.69%
come 7.50%
reflect 3.87%
follow 2.31%
occur 1.73%
fall 1.65%
mean 1.48%
begin 1.32%
suggest 0.99%
hit 0.99%
prompt 0.74%
每页显示:    共 9