1.   Several drivers honked their horns.

2.   Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers.

3.   As news helicopters buzzed the area and drivers honked their horns, defense attorney Fred Hagans said his client will appeal the verdict.

4.   As people on board screamed and the driver honked the horn, a police officer boarded the bus and one of the passengers subdued the suspect, investigators said.

5.   Cairo drivers honk to alert other motorists of their proximity, both at night and in the daytime.

6.   Drivers honked their horns and people danced in the streets, actions considered unorthodox in the Islamic republic.

7.   Drivers honked their horns.

8.   Drivers honk at each other.

9.   He said other drivers honk and send him a thumbs-up sign as he drives around town.

10.   Outside on the highways, drivers honked their horns.

n. + honk >>共 29
driver 22.81%
car 20.47%
motorist 19.88%
horn 16.37%
people 2.34%
man 1.75%
fan 1.17%
goose 1.17%
protester 1.17%
reveler 1.17%
driver + v. >>共 1044
be 14.28%
have 4.31%
say 3.47%
lose 2.32%
take 1.81%
try 1.65%
get 1.46%
stop 1.30%
die 1.12%
go 1.07%
honk 0.47%
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