1.   You would be safer packing a bucket and a stool and driving a few miles to your nearest Holstein.

2.   At the same time, more miles are being driven.

3.   After the youths agreed to let him call a police escort, Hutto got into a Toyota pickup and drove a few miles to the village.

4.   During peak use, it can take a half-hour to drive a mile amid the traffic near the Village Store.

5.   Georgia state troopers assigned to that task have driven every mile of the relay and are working with local law enforcement agencies to gather intelligence about potential problems.

6.   He drove a mile past other parked cars and emergency vehicles before finding a place to pull over.

7.   He goes into rapture over the consummate hot dog, has driven miles for banner French fries, would be suicidal if his favorite pizzeria disappeared.

8.   Her attacker forced her into a car and drove a few miles across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania.

9.   I especially like that walking to the grocery store to get bread instead of driving the mile might become a patriotic act.

10.   I turned right onto Whitney Portal Road, drove a few miles up into the rocky Alabama Hills and experienced an overwhelming sense of deja vu.

v. + mile >>共 132
walk 11.85%
have 8.09%
run 5.78%
drive 4.34%
log 3.76%
use 3.18%
travel 2.60%
talk 2.31%
redeem 2.31%
earn 2.02%
drive + n. >>共 1585
car 11.10%
price 3.61%
truck 2.53%
ball 2.23%
wedge 2.16%
vehicle 1.76%
growth 1.50%
market 1.50%
rebel 1.27%
people 1.22%
mile 0.17%
每页显示:    共 15