1.   I want a nice peaceful drive across the fields, thank you very much.

2.   Before Mitch, a drive across the mountains from Tegucigalpa to San Pedro Sula, for instance, took as little as three hours.

3.   A bus drive across America converts even the most compulsively neat passengers into careless loungers.

4.   A drive across Texas would yield an occasional sighting of flowers, but nothing like the multitudinous displays we see today.

5.   A drive across the province revealed that many Serbian police checkpoints had disappeared.

6.   After that, a long, steady drive across Turkey and Greece, and a ferry ride to the heel of Italy.

7.   Brought up on a ranch in Wyoming, as a young man he hired himself out as a cowhand, working cattle drives across the plains.

8.   Except, that is, for her daily drive across the little bridge to Barnet, Vt., where she buys her New York Times.

9.   Finally, its troops edged across the border and began their drive across the northern plains toward the Terek.

10.   He commanded a battalion in the drive across Europe through the Siegfried Line into Germany.

n. + across >>共 1405
city 1.44%
people 1.30%
way 0.89%
wind 0.89%
shower 0.83%
town 0.78%
weather 0.74%
bridge 0.65%
school 0.65%
building 0.64%
drive 0.15%
drive + p. >>共 69
to 16.32%
for 15.03%
from 10.03%
in 8.88%
up 4.87%
of 4.87%
by 4.72%
into 3.92%
against 3.38%
with 2.99%
across 0.86%
每页显示:    共 35