1.   Instead of actually fixing that dripping faucet, spend a much more enjoyable hour getting tips on remodeling from this excellent site.

2.   Few problems are more annoying than a dripping faucet.

3.   Germ fighting takes more than poking the tips of your fingers under a dripping faucet.

4.   Not a dripping faucet, a measles epidemic or smoke rising from a cigarette in an ashtray, all of which are potential subjects of chaos theory.

5.   They never notice peeling paint, loose screws or dripping faucets.

6.   Tyler is a drummer, a human metronome whose left foot can be as relentless as a dripping faucet.

7.   Voice mail is like a dripping faucet.

8.   Though the promised revolution has been akin to a dripping faucet, actual Bluetooth-enabled devices are beginning to show up in greater numbers.

a. + faucet >>共 62
leaky 18.12%
dripping 5.80%
washerless 5.80%
new 5.07%
outdoor 4.35%
outside 4.35%
leaking 2.90%
water-saving 2.90%
entire 2.17%
open 2.17%
dripping + n. >>共 46
water 13.85%
faucet 12.31%
bathroom 3.08%
blood 3.08%
awning 3.08%
tap 3.08%
bass 1.54%
behavior 1.54%
blob 1.54%
bouquet 1.54%
每页显示:    共 8