1.   Hundreds of road projects will face review, as will decisions to fill wetlands, dredge waterways or even build federally subsidized housing.

2.   In the weeks up until the discovery authorities dredged the waterways in Neshoba County without success.

3.   Other groups have urged that the entire waterway be dredged, to remove decades of toxic deposits and to make the canal more fit for boat traffic.

4.   Police have dredged waterways and tracked down leads fruitlessly for years in search of the handgun.

5.   Police have dredged waterways and tracked down leads fruitlessly for years searching for the handgun.

v. + waterway >>共 69
pollute 9.56%
use 4.41%
search 4.41%
close 3.68%
dredge 3.68%
clog 2.94%
cover 2.94%
cruise 2.94%
patrol 2.94%
enter 2.21%
dredge + n. >>共 87
chicken 5.88%
river 5.23%
piece 4.58%
channel 4.58%
waterway 3.27%
harbor 3.27%
canal 2.61%
side 1.96%
fillet 1.96%
fish 1.96%
每页显示:    共 5