1.   President Robert Batscha would make regular forays West to draw financial support from the people and enterprises whose work is ostensibly honored.

2.   Second, support can be drawn from related disciplines where psychodynamic methods enjoy considerable influence, e.g. psychiatry.

3.   The bill drew support from across the political spectrum.

4.   The covert reasons why the scheme drew widespread support from Cardiff solicitors was that it was part of an internal power struggle.

5.   The plan drew wide support from parents.

6.   However, according to a Market and Opinion Research International poll, the Conservatives continued to draw more support from female than from male voters.

7.   He drew support from Serbs like Dragan Krpovic, a foreman in a power station close to the main Kosovo town of Pristina.

8.   Already Serbian forces have made forays into Albania, from which Kosovars have drawn support.

9.   Although Bush drew support from many independent and traditionally Democratic voters in his two gubernatorial wins, current GOP Gov. Rick Perry lacks such sweeping popularity.

10.   Although the leading candidates appear virtually tied, they draw their support from radically contrasting constituencies.

v. + support >>共 379
have 9.21%
win 5.39%
express 5.29%
provide 4.64%
receive 3.65%
seek 3.13%
get 2.63%
give 2.62%
offer 2.36%
gain 2.31%
draw 1.86%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
每页显示:    共 417