1.   It does this by having the men who encouraged the rape prosecuted as well as the attackers, but more than this by drawing connections.

2.   But after listening to Alberta Lee speak and reading more about the case, he drew connections between the case and issues of racial profiling and legal rights.

3.   But Clinton administration officials were hesitant to draw any connection between the punishing allied air attacks and the strength of the Shiite demonstrations following this latest killing.

4.   But drawing direct connections between Genesis and archeological finds is dangerous.

5.   He said police had not drawn any connections between the Friday fight and the stabbing at the salon.

6.   --Look for a school that fosters responsibility and self-confidence by drawing connections between martial arts and real life.

7.   No clear connection has been drawn between the attacks on America and Iraq.

8.   Prosecutors may try to draw connections between the cell of Algerians and other terrorist activities believed to be sponsored by Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile.

9.   She often drew connections between buildings and the people who inhabited them, including her own family.

10.   Somehow, he drew a connection between his derring-do on the canvas and the career challenges facing downsized workers.

v. + connection >>共 379
have 26.79%
make 12.58%
deny 9.39%
use 3.16%
see 2.09%
find 2.05%
establish 1.96%
feel 1.14%
provide 1.14%
offer 1.08%
draw 0.95%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
connection 0.14%
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