1.   A less drastic remedy would prove ineffectual or horribly intrusive.

2.   But Jackson, let alone the more conservative justices on the appeals court, may choke on that drastic a remedy.

3.   Closing down an entire magazine because of one article is considered a drastic remedy in Japan, though it is not unprecedented.

4.   Company officials tried unsuccessfully to convince government lawyers that a less drastic remedy, such as licensing another company to sell MMICs, would alleviate competitive concerns.

5.   If these allegations are proved, the courts may well be asked to consider drastic remedies, including increased regulation or even a breakup of Microsoft.

6.   If the courts order the most drastic remedy, to divest unrelated employer groups, it would put some institutions in a financial bind.

7.   If withdrawing two Senate seats is viewed as too drastic a remedy, reasonable people should be able to reach a livable compromise.

8.   Otherwise, a frustrated public might eventually be persuaded to support far more drastic remedies.

9.   That is a drastic remedy that would cede executive authority to the judiciary.

10.   The economy is much stronger than it was four years ago and although not everyone has benefited, the pressure for drastic remedies has abated.

a. + remedy >>共 400
herbal 9.81%
home 4.23%
legal 3.46%
cold 3.27%
possible 2.69%
best 2.44%
proposed 2.31%
only 2.24%
effective 1.86%
over-the-counter 1.79%
drastic 1.03%
drastic + n. >>共 236
change 13.99%
measure 13.93%
action 8.43%
cut 6.78%
step 6.54%
reduction 3.36%
reform 3.12%
move 2.99%
drop 2.20%
increase 1.47%
remedy 0.98%
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