1.   Another option is burying a drain tile under the swampy spot or installing wetlands plants.

2.   Cover the drain tiles with gravel, then connect the perforated pipe to a sump dug into the floor in which a sump pump has been installed.

3.   Should I patch the cracks in the concrete wall under the window, or should I put down drain tile to carry the ground water away?

4.   Waterproofing the outside of this wall and installing drain tile along the footing would be the most effective, but this is expensive.

5.   When the solids get into the drain tiles, they clog up the pores in the soil and the system backs up.

n. + tile >>共 94
roof 20.82%
floor 16.27%
vinyl 6.51%
bathroom 5.21%
mosaic 4.99%
wall 4.99%
clay 4.99%
quarry 3.25%
carpet 2.17%
border 1.52%
drain 1.08%
drain + n. >>共 75
pipe 21.19%
hole 7.20%
line 5.08%
plug 5.08%
field 4.66%
opening 4.24%
valve 2.97%
cover 2.54%
money 2.12%
cleaner 2.12%
tile 2.12%
每页显示:    共 5