1.   The federal insurance fund has been drained by recent bank failures.

2.   Other areas which Mr Chambers believed could drain funds from the UK included the former Soviet republics, Iran and Venezuela.

3.   And debate would certainly flush out the lobbying, electioneering and other phony philanthropies that now drain funds from all of us.

4.   As Hanukkah approaches, his wife Baila tells him that his saintly ways are draining their funds.

5.   He said it would be inappropriate to drain that fund and disrupt airport activities.

6.   Higher rates can drain funds from stocks and put them into bonds.

7.   If that occurs, state funds could be drained even more rapidly than current projections say.

8.   In addition, hazardous working conditions prompt teachers to demand higher pay, increasing the burden on taxpayers or draining funds from other educational purposes.

9.   Jones said that the unemployment fund will be drained by middle to late March.

10.   Many minority leaders disagree, arguing that vouchers will harm black and Hispanic children by draining funds from the public schools that most of them attend.

v. + fund >>共 494
raise 11.19%
use 8.73%
provide 3.16%
receive 2.73%
have 2.13%
set_up 2.09%
manage 2.03%
establish 1.33%
allocate 1.24%
seek 1.20%
drain 0.22%
drain + n. >>共 434
pasta 4.58%
fluid 4.31%
money 3.66%
water 3.59%
resource 2.29%
bean 2.16%
blood 2.09%
potato 1.63%
fund 1.57%
lake 1.44%
每页显示:    共 24