1.   The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution.

2.   Sponsors of a draft resolution changing the status of Palestine from observer status to that of state were persuaded by the President of the Assembly to withdraw it.

3.   Cuba, Yemen and also China supported an alternative draft resolution lifting all restrictions on transporting food to Iraq.

4.   The text of their draft resolution will ask the secretary general, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, to study ways to set up the court.

5.   The draft resolution would give the council authority to compel countries to cooperate with the court for instance, to extradite or hold suspects or to help in investigations.

6.   The Security Council met last night to discuss a draft French resolution, but no adoption was expected until Monday.

7.   A look at the loopholes in the draft resolution.

8.   Al-Kidwa said that he expected to have a draft resolution creating a protection force soon.

9.   All of which suggests that a draft U.N. resolution could still be forthcoming within a fortnight, as diplomats had hoped before the Chinese embassy uproar.

10.   Draft resolutions circulated.

n. + resolution >>共 176
draft 30.64%
budget 12.70%
conflict 9.85%
censure 6.93%
dispute 4.89%
shareholder 2.58%
impeachment 2.11%
compromise 1.90%
disarmament 1.63%
sanction 1.43%
draft + n. >>共 406
pick 18.40%
choice 10.20%
resolution 7.34%
law 6.41%
agreement 3.92%
day 3.50%
report 2.70%
bill 2.37%
legislation 2.34%
plan 2.20%
每页显示:    共 448