1.   When the evidence is completed a report is drafted and the sub-committee deliberates on it until agreement is reached.

2.   The Deputy Head to draft individual reports to members of the department as a result of their interviews with him and the Headmaster.

3.   The Deputy Head to draft individual reports to members of the department as a result of their interview with him and the Headmaster.

4.   Draft a report indicating three examples of contracts which need to be in writing.

5.   An Airline Quality Service Performance task force that will draft a report over the next few months on the best way to measure airline performance.

6.   At the intelligence branch of the State Department, officials began drafting the report renewing doubts about the evidence.

7.   A working group under the Industrial Structural Council, which advises the economy, trade and industry minister, has drafted a report on the issue.

8.   Experts on intelligence and missiles at the two departments have drafted reports with troubling conclusions, according to officials familiar with the drafts.

9.   However, the GAO also noted that after its report was drafted, the Army had begun to redesign the system.

10.   Ms. Oakley told her aides to draft a report reflecting their skepticism, a significant step because there was a chance its findings might leak out.

v. + report >>共 377
deny 14.08%
confirm 10.97%
say 6.26%
release 4.17%
receive 3.99%
issue 3.04%
follow 2.82%
have 2.27%
investigate 2.14%
file 1.94%
draft 0.14%
draft + n. >>共 378
legislation 9.17%
plan 6.61%
law 5.78%
bill 5.61%
player 3.64%
proposal 3.43%
letter 2.76%
resolution 2.55%
regulation 2.47%
rule 2.30%
report 1.42%
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