1.   Dozens of people lined the route, some running alongside the bus, others taking pictures and some throwing things at it.

2.   Dozens more are lining up to sell shares on Hong Kong and elsewhere.

3.   Dozens of kiosks line the passageway where the bomb exploded.

4.   Dozens of people lined up in the aisles of the Walton High School auditorium to speak to Gingrich, and to a person they offered thanks and praise.

5.   Dozens of well-wishers lined up along the steps of the church, careful to leave room for the bride and groom to make their exit.

6.   For two weeks, dozens of them lined up on the courthouse steps each dawn for a seat at the trial.

7.   In others, dozens of machines line the walls of huge rooms.

8.   Spectators crowded the courtroom throughout the seven-week trial, and dozens of people lined up Friday for a seat in the courtroom.

9.   Dozens of Chechens lined the road where the massacre took place Monday night.

10.   Dozens of clients lined up Monday at its buildings in Baia Mare, Brasov, Craiova, Galati and Timisoara asking for their deposits, national radio reported.

n. + line >>共 783
thousand 5.25%
people 5.25%
hundred 4.85%
crowd 1.97%
company 1.97%
fan 1.71%
police 1.66%
resident 1.66%
team 1.30%
car 1.12%
dozen 0.81%
dozen + v. >>共 551
be 25.24%
die 4.45%
injure 3.31%
remain 1.90%
surround 1.86%
gather 1.66%
wound 1.59%
have 1.52%
throw 1.24%
attend 0.93%
line 0.62%
每页显示:    共 18