1.   Even the people I told downplayed the seriousness of it all.

2.   Huffington now takes full responsibility for the hiring of Garcia, but blames it on his wife, Arianna, and downplays its seriousness.

3.   Japanese government officials have annoyed some analysts by seeming to downplay the seriousness of the situation.

4.   McSweeny downplayed the seriousness of the findings, saying they were isolated cases.

5.   Montford downplayed the seriousness of the meetings.

6.   Parish said celebrities tend to hide real pain and suffering, which downplays the seriousness of illness.

7.   Pringle is highly critical of wildlife officials for downplaying the seriousness of chronic wasting disease.

8.   Spyridon, who also holds the title of chairman of the board of trustees of the school, tried to downplay the seriousness of the warning.

9.   The NBA has tried to downplay the seriousness of this.

10.   But Smith downplayed the seriousness of the injury.

v. + seriousness >>共 107
understand 6.29%
downplay 5.35%
reflect 4.72%
realize 4.40%
determine 3.77%
recognize 3.77%
indicate 3.46%
demonstrate 3.46%
underscore 2.83%
doubt 2.52%
downplay + n. >>共 401
significance 8.42%
importance 4.21%
incident 3.69%
possibility 3.34%
report 3.29%
role 2.71%
impact 2.36%
concern 2.31%
expectation 2.13%
suggestion 1.79%
seriousness 0.98%
每页显示:    共 17