1.   Remember all those doomsday prophecies about California sliding into the ocean?

2.   The Vatican insisted it is no doomsday prophecy as many have feared, but can be read as a message of encouragement that humanity can save itself.

3.   Many for decades feared it was a doomsday prophecy too terrifying to unveil.

4.   Some believed the third, unrevealed secret was a doomsday prophecy foretelling the end of the world.

n. + prophecy >>共 5
doomsday 50.00%
cyberspace 12.50%
end-time 12.50%
modern-day 12.50%
television 12.50%
doomsday + n. >>共 94
cult 43.75%
scenario 9.75%
sect 7.25%
guru 2.25%
prediction 2.25%
member 1.50%
leader 1.50%
group 1.25%
talk 1.25%
weapon 1.25%
prophecy 1.00%
每页显示:    共 4