1.   This relative concept of liberty undermines the claim of interests theory to don the mantle of a liberal theory of contract.

2.   And although the Gore side would not have accepted the Wilsonian label, the Bush team was very eager to don the mantle of realism.

3.   It would be nearly a decade before women donned the mantle of what would become known as feminism.

4.   No sirree, wrong-o, take two steps back and don the mantle of parental shame.

5.   Of course, Gates is not the first tycoon to don the mantle of charity after amassing a fortune.

6.   The confusion comes when these creators, not satisfied with the latitude permitted the artist, don the mantle of historian or journalist.

7.   Caushi donned the mantle of the revolution to justify his actions, saying he was fighting for ordinary people.

8.   Get your epic straight before donning the mantle.

v. + mantle >>共 50
assume 17.96%
inherit 10.18%
wear 8.98%
claim 7.78%
accept 4.79%
don 4.79%
carry 4.79%
pass 4.79%
take 3.59%
adopt 2.40%
don + n. >>共 200
mask 5.65%
uniform 4.42%
glove 3.89%
suit 3.18%
costume 3.18%
spacesuit 3.00%
gear 2.30%
hat 2.12%
helmet 1.94%
robe 1.94%
mantle 1.41%
每页显示:    共 8