1.   As the team donned rubber gloves and dug with shovels and pick axes, a stench wafted through the air.

2.   At the urging of curators, Clinton donned white gloves and placed a warrior head atop the body of one of the warriors.

3.   A secretary at Taft High School donned latex gloves to open the mail Tuesday morning.

4.   A state law that requires the servers and preparers of uncooked food to don gloves is a recipe for a culture clash.

5.   Donning her gloves, Whitman, dressed in a white jump suit, was happy to respond to the photo request, troopers recall.

6.   Don rubber gloves and eye protection when applying the bleaching agent.

7.   For safety reasons, handlers don blue gloves when touching their belongings, which could have been contaminated by fiberglass particles or human fluids.

8.   Please, don gloves before de-decorating, or this porcupine will leave you bloodied.

9.   She now dons non-latex gloves.

10.   Some used special lotions to protect their skin, others learned to dry hands completely before donning gloves.

v. + glove >>共 238
wear 27.96%
drop 5.11%
use 3.76%
take 3.23%
plant 2.60%
find 2.51%
get 2.33%
don 1.97%
throw 1.88%
remove 1.70%
don + n. >>共 200
mask 5.65%
uniform 4.42%
glove 3.89%
suit 3.18%
costume 3.18%
spacesuit 3.00%
gear 2.30%
hat 2.12%
helmet 1.94%
robe 1.94%
每页显示:    共 22