1.   Domestic servitude.

2.   The relative equality and mobility of women has often led them into exploitation in the sex industry or domestic servitude.

3.   Most girls are forced into prostitution or domestic servitude.

4.   Workers from Bangladesh, Thailand, India, the Philippines, Indonesia and the Horn of Africa have reported being forced into domestic servitude and sexual exploitation.

5.   Yeomans said others cases could include women coerced into domestic servitude, migrant labor or sweatshop work.

a. + servitude >>共 27
indentured 28.09%
involuntary 24.72%
sexual 14.61%
domestic 5.62%
virtual 2.25%
blissful 1.12%
bonded 1.12%
brutal 1.12%
cruel 1.12%
daily 1.12%
domestic + n. >>共 827
violence 7.67%
demand 4.51%
product 4.33%
market 4.30%
flight 2.68%
investor 2.14%
economy 1.88%
issue 1.68%
politics 1.66%
policy 1.65%
servitude 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5