1.   Washington similarly acknowledged the value of Malayan dollar earnings to Britain.

2.   A decline in the dollar also weighed on shares in companies with significant dollar earnings, which stand to be devalued by declines in the U.S. currency.

3.   A lower dollar is bad for exporters because it makes their goods more expensive abroad and means they get fewer marks for their dollar earnings.

4.   A weak dollar reduces Japanese exporters competitiveness against their U.S. rivals and erodes the value of their dollar earnings.

5.   A stronger dollar lets Japanese companies price exports more competitively overseas and increases the value of dollar earnings in yen terms.

6.   A strong dollar is good for exporters because dollar earnings translate into more marks.

7.   A stronger dollar helps Swiss exporters because it increases the number of francs when they convert dollar earnings.

8.   A stronger dollar means more marks for these companies when they bring their dollar earnings home.

9.   A weaker dollar means Japanese exporters get less for their dollar earnings when they bring them back to Japan.

10.   A weaker yen makes blue-chip exporters more attractive by boosting their dollar earnings overseas.

n. + earnings >>共 243
third-quarter 14.01%
company 12.78%
fourth-quarter 11.65%
first-quarter 10.88%
second-quarter 10.75%
quarter 4.74%
export 3.36%
year 2.91%
per-share 2.88%
first-half 2.11%
dollar 0.93%
dollar + n. >>共 436
bill 6.50%
amount 6.38%
term 5.00%
value 4.33%
figure 4.00%
proceeds 3.67%
position 3.43%
rose 3.28%
sale 2.86%
deposit 2.26%
earnings 1.11%
每页显示:    共 37