1.   A few blocks away, a dog pack has lived unhindered so long the alley is thick with dried feces.

2.   I even mowed the yard this week and removed the land mines left by the dog pack.

3.   In his office, he has a file of photos of cattle he says were mauled by dog packs in the northern reaches of the river area.

4.   They infiltrated a group of guides who use dog packs to trap and tree bears.

5.   Teams of hunters from the village had been trying to disperse the dog packs.

n. + pack >>共 221
battery 14.89%
cigarette 9.73%
fanny 8.81%
jet 4.26%
day 2.89%
information 2.58%
snow 2.28%
medium 2.28%
heat 2.13%
gift 1.82%
dog 0.76%
dog + n. >>共 501
owner 8.53%
food 7.57%
meat 5.40%
show 3.28%
team 2.75%
bite 2.12%
walker 1.96%
lover 1.91%
fight 1.91%
track 1.80%
pack 0.26%
每页显示:    共 5