1.   Many people suspected Berisha either of profiting from the dodgy pyramid schemes or of failing to warn citizens against putting money into them.

2.   Many people suspected Berisha either of profiting from the dodgy pyramid schemes, or at least blamed him for failing to warn citizens against putting money into them.

3.   The failing investment funds have given thousands of Albanians a lesson in dodgy pyramid scheme economics, costing of them many their life savings.

4.   Unrest first erupted in January, when dodgy pyramid schemes into which many Albanians had sunk their savings began to collapse.

5.   Vlora was one of the centers of rioting following the collapse of dodgy pyramid investment schemes that plunged Albania into chaos and lawlessness.

a. + pyramid >>共 165
failed 5.22%
egyptian 4.67%
illegal 3.85%
so-called 3.30%
great 3.02%
shady 2.75%
collapsed 2.47%
ancient 2.20%
human 2.20%
inverted 2.20%
dodgy 1.37%
dodgy + n. >>共 42
pyramid 7.81%
business 6.25%
campaign 6.25%
investment 6.25%
regime 4.69%
bit 3.13%
character 3.13%
defeat 3.13%
deal 3.13%
knee 3.13%
每页显示:    共 5