1.   Each year animal welfare groups document instances of cruelty, but prosecutions have been rare.

2.   Al-haq has documented many instances of sexual violence ranging from the use of foul language to indecent exposure, urinating on women, molestation and rape.

3.   Indeed, the Open Society Institute has documented several instances in which returnees from other groups have apparently been victims of official reprisals.

4.   Reached later, court spokesmen could not document any instances in which disclosure forms had been used to harm a judge.

5.   St. Louis said the CDC has documented many instances of doctors, even gynecologists, not asking their patients questions about sexual behavior and assessing risk.

6.   Red Cross and U.N. workers have documented instances of Mayi-Mayi groups eating the hearts of those they kill or capture.

7.   The report documented instances when orphanage staff members struck children, shoved their heads in toilets, and squeezed their hands in a vise.

v. + instance >>共 101
cite 15.62%
find 7.21%
recall 6.31%
report 6.31%
see 4.50%
include 3.60%
describe 3.30%
detail 3.30%
remember 2.40%
document 2.10%
document + n. >>共 479
case 5.91%
abuse 3.05%
life 2.14%
problem 1.53%
evidence 1.32%
violation 1.32%
change 1.22%
pattern 1.02%
atrocity 1.02%
work 0.81%
instance 0.71%
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