1.   A secret Pentagon planning document calls for creating limited-capacity nuclear weapons suited to targets in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Libya.

2.   Drafts of the document call for targeted tax cuts, funding for worker retraining and trade sanctions against countries that do not uphold environmental and labor standards.

3.   The document calls for radically raising rates, spinning off Gazprom subsidiaries, and giving independent producers access to the pipeline.

4.   The document calls for a far greater degree of autonomy for Abkhazia than Shevardnadze suggested Monday, according to a Georgian presidential adviser for foreign policy, Levan Aleksidze.

5.   The document calls for the countries to cooperate in exchanging information and training personnel and to coordinate the work of their anti-drug forces, the report said.

n. + call >>共 860
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opposition 2.12%
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agreement 1.78%
document 0.12%
document + n. >>共 261
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destruction 10.21%
check 3.40%
fraud 2.70%
policy 2.27%
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