1.   I suspect all doctors must learn how to turn charm on and off like a tap.

2.   The overworked doctors learned to stop for a few minutes and nap, heads down on desks or tables.

3.   Along the way, both doctors learn to love Nell for the pure forest baby that she is.

4.   Although doctors have learned in recent years that most peptic ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection of the stomach, the infection has been hard to detect.

5.   And yet even medical textbooks say that identifying heart sounds is the most difficult diagnostic skill that doctors must learn.

6.   As more doctors learn how to transplant organs, more patients demand organ transplants.

7.   At teaching hospitals throughout the country, doctors learn resuscitation techniques and other procedures by practicing on people who have just died, according to a new survey.

8.   At Yale, Dr. Rosemarie Fisher, director of graduate medical education, says the challenge is to make sure doctors learn as much in less time.

9.   Because so many AIDS patients were gay, many doctors treating AIDS learned about the gay world for the first time.

10.   But it is not only patients that a doctor learns about.

n. + learn >>共 1054
child 8.33%
student 6.48%
people 4.39%
official 2.52%
kid 1.97%
company 1.82%
scientist 1.77%
team 1.31%
police 1.31%
authority 1.28%
doctor 0.91%
doctor + v. >>共 546
say 19.87%
be 7.05%
tell 4.33%
have 2.64%
prescribe 1.68%
give 1.52%
find 1.52%
recommend 1.30%
use 1.18%
advise 1.17%
learn 0.26%
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