1.   A doctor advised that the nose be left alone until Adams matured, and it was never fixed.

2.   Advised by doctors to recuperate in a warm and dry climate, he bought a ticket to Los Angeles.

3.   Doctors had advised Mrs Menzies not to attend the trial, following her recent release from hospital.

4.   Many anti-depressants are non-addictive and your doctor will advise you on this.

5.   Some doctors advise against riding and diving.

6.   The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.

7.   The doctor advised me to rest and elevate my ankle.

8.   The doctor advised me to stop the medication.

9.   The doctor advised rest and quiet and prescribed some red pills.

10.   The doctor had advised a complete rest for a fortnight.

n. + advise >>共 406
doctor 12.57%
expert 7.60%
official 5.61%
lawyer 3.72%
authority 3.25%
government 2.83%
police 2.46%
commission 1.89%
company 1.36%
firm 1.20%
doctor + v. >>共 546
say 19.87%
be 7.05%
tell 4.33%
have 2.64%
prescribe 1.68%
give 1.52%
find 1.52%
recommend 1.30%
use 1.18%
advise 1.17%
每页显示:    共 239