1.   The cables are doing original programming.

2.   This venture appears to be primarily aimed at cable programming, though Roberts and Frank did not rule out the possibility of doing television programming.

3.   We do non-fiction programming.

4.   Walsh does the programming and often the music then uses a variety of high-powered lasers to project moving light on a screen or into special-effects fog.

5.   In Selangor, N. Uthayaganesh also has done programming using the same tool and in Perak, Hasraf Singh knows Visual Basic.

6.   A female member told one client in this affluent community, where members did computer programming and made web sites, that the men had been castrated.

7.   A female member told one client in this affluent town, where members did computer programming and made web sites, that the men had been castrated.

8.   A female member told one client in this affluent town, where they did computer programming and made web sites, that the men had had their testicles removed.

v. + programming >>共 236
interrupt 6.41%
produce 3.59%
offer 3.59%
carry 3.28%
broadcast 2.81%
provide 2.66%
create 2.66%
use 2.34%
block 2.03%
deliver 1.88%
do 1.25%
do + n. >>共 627
business 10.21%
thing 8.90%
job 8.34%
work 7.25%
best 4.86%
lot 2.52%
damage 2.37%
research 1.79%
part 1.63%
homework 1.54%
programming 0.02%
每页显示:    共 8