1.   Dickinson said this will be done to limit the cost of publication.

2.   It is, however, to make the case for examining what can be done to limit the real physical and psychological violence that this new technology can generate.

3.   Q. If mad cow disease spread to the United States, what would you do to limit it?

4.   What can Indonesia now do to limit the diplomatic damage?

5.   What can be done to limit this risk of worldwide financial infection?

6.   She added that everything possible was being done to limit the damage.

7.   The players union has said the punishment was too severe and said something should be done to limit courtside cameras and photographers at games.

8.   UN officials believe anything done to limit sniping would stablise the situation around the city which earlier this week erupted in shell and mortar fire.

9.   UN officials believe anything done to limit sniping would stablise the situation around the city, which earlier this week erupted in shell and mortar fire.

10.   The law was bitterly opposed by the conservative Christian Union parties, which charged that more should be done to limit the flow of foreigners coming to Germany.

v. + limit >>共 104
use 10.94%
fight 5.73%
work 5.73%
do 5.21%
be 4.69%
act 3.65%
buy 2.60%
impose 1.56%
combine 1.56%
can 1.56%
do + v. >>共 991
help 5.70%
make 5.04%
get 3.73%
prevent 3.34%
stop 2.69%
keep 2.27%
improve 2.05%
protect 1.96%
be 1.64%
win 1.62%
limit 0.18%
每页显示:    共 10