1.   Doing so would lead both the US public and foreign countries to question almost everything military press officers report, they believe.

2.   Doing so can lead to more electronic junk, not less.

3.   Often, doing nothing will lead to some offline debriefing and discussion about alternative ways to handle such situations.

4.   France has refused entry to trucks as response to public and environmental concerns that doing so would lead to a similar tragedy.

5.   He said doing so could lead to excommunication.

6.   To do so could lead a country to disaster.

v. + lead >>共 283
be 6.93%
fighting 4.41%
buy 2.52%
bank 2.31%
have 1.89%
fall 1.47%
drinking 1.47%
do 1.26%
flooding 1.05%
play 1.05%
do + v. >>共 281
be 40.15%
require 4.67%
make 2.46%
seem 1.78%
help 1.70%
have 1.44%
mean 1.36%
well 1.27%
work 1.10%
take 1.02%
lead 0.51%
每页显示:    共 6