1.   Adultery was the sole ground, but a wife could only divorce her husband if accompanied by some other matrimonial transgression.

2.   Because of her Catholic upbringing she would not divorce her husband.

3.   In those days a woman could not divorce her husband except in the most extreme cases.

4.   She divorced her husband on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.

5.   She was subjected to years of battering and abuse before she finally divorced her husband.

6.   They typically do not inherit land, divorce their husbands, control their finances or hold political office.

7.   As the law seems to work against me, maybe I should have divorced my husband and applied for welfare.

8.   Ask Myra Strober, a Stanford University professor and self-described feminist economist who has carved out a niche as an expert witness for corporate wives divorcing their husbands.

9.   A poor woman trying to divorce a husband who beat her nearly to death.

10.   By then, Ms. Duvall had divorced her husband, begun using her maiden name and moved to Greenwich.

v. + husband >>共 528
kill 6.68%
meet 4.81%
say 3.63%
see 3.52%
leave 3.45%
lose 2.48%
divorce 2.48%
call 2.05%
visit 1.94%
have 1.90%
divorce + n. >>共 80
wife 35.18%
husband 22.48%
father 1.95%
mother 1.95%
parent 1.95%
time 1.95%
court 1.63%
man 1.63%
woman 1.63%
couple 1.30%
每页显示:    共 69