1.   In the first place, divisions existed within the parties.

2.   A division still clearly exists among umpires.

3.   But divisions exist over its details.

4.   Given how long the division has existed, the proposals in Texas have generated sharply conflicting responses.

5.   His idea of jazz includes old and new definitions of swing and temperament, as if the stylistic and generational divisions never existed.

6.   No division exists between our inner lives, even our emotions, and our morality.

7.   One Pioneer division exists exclusively to help charter schools, which operate free of union and school committee rules, and publishes a widely distributed charter school newsletter.

8.   Similar divisions exist in most other segments of county society.

9.   Such contempt is in the hacking world, where sharp divisions exist between older and younger generations of self-described computer geeks.

10.   Such divisions certainly exist on trade, for example.

n. + exist >>共 1655
problem 4.39%
evidence 2.06%
possibility 1.59%
opportunity 1.28%
difference 1.17%
life 1.15%
condition 1.10%
technology 1.04%
system 0.84%
group 0.78%
division 0.29%
division + v. >>共 465
be 27.02%
have 3.96%
remain 2.72%
make 2.58%
continue 1.24%
include 1.19%
become 1.05%
report 0.95%
lead 0.95%
take 0.91%
exist 0.86%
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