1.   There are many different measures which could be chosen when trying to assess whether the North-South divide has widened.

2.   As a result, critics argue, the divide will widen, and in turn broaden the divide between the haves and the have-nots.

3.   Divides widen between first-generation immigrants and their Americanized children.

4.   Interviews with Ivoirians on Sunday suggested how much the religious and ethnic divide had widened in this country that was once known for tolerance.

5.   The U.N. Development Program issued a report last week arguing that the digital divide is widening faster than ever.

6.   While the digital divide is widening between nations, gaps also exist within countries.

7.   At school age, the divide widens.

8.   It is special, he said, that even with violence raging and divides widening, Salaam was saved by Palestinians, Christians and Israelis.

9.   The European-U.S. divide widened Thursday over how far to push war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic in efforts to unseat him as Bosnian Serb leader.

n. + widen >>共 268
eye 8.98%
gap 8.46%
deficit 5.99%
loss 4.82%
spread 2.99%
scandal 2.08%
police 2.08%
investigation 1.95%
strike 1.30%
divide 1.17%
divide + v. >>共 50
be 39.47%
widen 5.92%
seem 5.26%
remain 3.95%
become 3.29%
exist 2.63%
appear 1.97%
emerge 1.97%
exacerbate 1.97%
end 1.32%
每页显示:    共 9