1.   As the cells proceed from the stem cell to the various mature blood cell types they divide many times.

2.   Mayle, who now divides his time between Long Island and Provence, earns chuckles with his gentle social satire.

3.   She divides her time between New York and Paris.

4.   Working Conditions Most industrial production managers divide their time between the shop floor and their office.

5.   Lee has divided his time between flat-hunting and travelling.

6.   And Mr Allen, dividing his time between his job and the hospital, constantly made the return journey from their home in Provident Street, Parr.

7.   Although Preston and Travolta divide their time among homes in Hawaii, Los Angeles and Maine, Preston clearly cherishes any time she can spend in her hometown.

8.   Also nearby was a cemetery full of tombstones bearing Republican emblems and hymns to fallen patriots, but with a few Protestants from less divided times as well.

9.   Ann Wool will head the practice as senior vice president and director, dividing her time between Atlanta and New York.

10.   Another question about Bush is whether his Reaganesque management style will work in such divided times.

v. + time >>共 481
spend 18.25%
take 15.59%
have 13.39%
serve 2.96%
give 2.84%
play 2.01%
buy 1.60%
waste 1.52%
come 1.49%
need 1.18%
divide 0.95%
divide + n. >>共 1107
country 5.25%
time 4.99%
analyst 2.25%
opinion 1.97%
city 1.93%
expert 1.76%
money 1.66%
nation 1.61%
party 1.61%
people 1.40%
每页显示:    共 262