1.   Divide the pasta among serving plates.

2.   Divide the pasta between the skillets.

3.   Divide the pasta among four serving bowls, top with the Parmesan and drizzle with the truffle oil or extra virgin olive oil.

4.   Drain then divide the pasta among four large bowls.

5.   Divide pasta among serving plates.

6.   Divide pasta into individual bowls, and serve immediately.

v. + pasta >>共 119
cook 19.82%
drain 12.50%
add 11.07%
make 3.75%
toss 2.50%
serve 2.50%
eat 2.32%
coat 2.32%
boil 2.14%
do 2.14%
divide 1.07%
divide + n. >>共 1107
country 5.25%
time 4.99%
analyst 2.25%
opinion 1.97%
city 1.93%
expert 1.76%
money 1.66%
nation 1.61%
party 1.61%
people 1.40%
pasta 0.11%
每页显示:    共 6