1.   Conversely, disturbed sleep patterns can cause periods to become irregular or stop altogether.

2.   Sarah experiences more or less constant pain from a back problem, indigestion, and disturbed sleep.

3.   Among them are changes in nervous system chemicals that may explain the common problem of disturbed sleep.

4.   Nonetheless, some children still experience bad dreams, disturbed sleep and eating disorders.

5.   Stress was an important risk factor even when smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet, disturbed sleep and alcohol consumption were taken into account.

6.   To be a Mariner baseball executive these days is to be able to identify a little with the disturbed sleep of Ebenezer Scrooge.

a. + sleep >>共 199
deep 17.88%
little 4.23%
fitful 2.88%
good 2.69%
sound 2.31%
long 2.31%
severe 1.92%
restful 1.92%
light 1.73%
adequate 1.35%
disturbed 1.15%
disturbed + n. >>共 90
man 10.39%
child 10.39%
people 7.17%
individual 4.30%
weather 3.94%
area 3.58%
person 3.23%
woman 2.51%
sleep 2.15%
patient 2.15%
每页显示:    共 6