1.   As small jet stream disturbances rotate around the upper-level low, areas of showers and thunderstorms will develop from California to western Colorado and north to Idaho.

2.   A few of these storms will affect parts of Colorado and the western High Plains as the disturbance rotates north.

3.   During the course of the next few days, however, the jet stream will begin to buckle over the Northwest as disturbances rotate inland from the Pacific Ocean.

4.   Late day thunderstorms will develop in the northern Rockies as a disturbance rotates around low pressure aloft.

5.   Strong thunderstorms will erupt across sections of the East on Tuesday as a potent jet-stream disturbance rotates through the region.

n. + rotate >>共 217
presidency 3.86%
investor 3.03%
trader 2.48%
game 2.20%
earth 1.93%
post 1.93%
ball 1.65%
planet 1.65%
blade 1.65%
seat 1.65%
disturbance 1.38%
disturbance + v. >>共 193
be 10.62%
bring 6.39%
move 5.46%
pass 4.43%
produce 3.40%
lift 3.09%
cause 2.78%
arrive 2.47%
break_out 2.27%
interact 2.27%
rotate 0.52%
每页显示:    共 5