1.   If they are rational, firms will realize that such disturbances can occur, even though they can not forecast their precise timing.

2.   Widespread disturbances occurred in May after the death in suspicious circumstances of an opposition leader.

3.   Disturbances occurred in forty-two of the forty-three provinces to which the legislation applied.

4.   Suppose that some disturbance occurs -- say, a fall in investment demand.

5.   A rhythm disturbance actually occurs within the lower chambers of the heart.

6.   Fischer, however, has focused on neighborhood revitalization projects, including in the area where the disturbance occurred.

7.   On average, these disturbances occur once every three and a half days.

8.   The disturbance occurred at the McConnell Unit, where a prison guard was stabbed to death late last week.

9.   These soggy disturbances occur from May through August with a general northward push of heavy rain as summer progresses.

10.   Those who have visited the camp in Guantanamo or receive collect calls from the children periodically said they were only surprised that a disturbance had not occurred sooner.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
disturbance 0.10%
disturbance + v. >>共 193
be 10.62%
bring 6.39%
move 5.46%
pass 4.43%
produce 3.40%
lift 3.09%
cause 2.78%
arrive 2.47%
break_out 2.27%
interact 2.27%
occur 1.65%
每页显示:    共 16