1.   But the distinction matters to some exiles.

2.   Does the distinction matter?

3.   For most Ethiopians, the distinction hardly matters.

4.   I was too uneducated to wonder whether the lobby sculpture was art or design or to know that the distinction mattered.

5.   It is the business of a city to insist that this distinction matters.

6.   Moreover, he said, such distinctions should not matter much to the court.

7.   Rep. Bob Inglis, R-S.C., a member of the Judiciary Committee, says this distinction should not matter.

8.   Such fine distinctions may not matter to the harried business person who suddenly finds he can no longer call home from a distant airport.

9.   Such distinctions matter, particularly in Orange County, with its distinctly non-Los Angeles identity.

10.   The distinction did not matter.

n. + matter >>共 550
it 4.25%
size 4.25%
money 2.67%
thing 2.50%
distinction 1.42%
difference 1.42%
opinion 1.42%
word 1.17%
game 1.17%
race 1.17%
distinction + v. >>共 106
be 52.25%
belong 4.16%
matter 2.83%
have 2.66%
go 2.50%
seem 2.16%
need 1.66%
become 1.66%
blur 1.33%
make 1.33%
每页显示:    共 17