1.   But distinctions blur.

2.   But that distinction has blurred in recent years.

3.   Clarke said these scientific distinctions have blurred over time because drug firms now develop protein remedies and biotech firms often create chemical pills.

4.   Computer skills are needed by aspiring bulldozer technicians, printers, tool and die makers and scores of other skilled workers as distinctions blur between blue-collar and white-collar occupations.

5.   Distinctions have blurred over time.

6.   In fact, the parallel universes of osteopathic and allopathic medicine are drawing so close that at times the distinctions blur.

7.   UC President Richard Atkinson has made it clear he does not want that distinction blurred.

8.   When the distinctions blur, you can always count the cupholders.

n. + blur >>共 165
line 14.07%
vision 3.42%
distinction 3.04%
tear 2.28%
color 1.90%
time 1.90%
film 1.52%
company 1.52%
eye 1.52%
boundary 1.52%
distinction + v. >>共 106
be 52.25%
belong 4.16%
matter 2.83%
have 2.66%
go 2.50%
seem 2.16%
need 1.66%
become 1.66%
blur 1.33%
make 1.33%
每页显示:    共 8