1.   Sam showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm when I told him my holiday plans.

2.   There were far fewer flags, a distinct lack of appetite for celebration.

3.   Without much outright horsepower-a distinct lack of brawn-the Porsche should be driven with brains.

4.   There seems to be a distinct lack of aggression or passion.

5.   In past interviews the Princess Royal has displayed a distinct lack of enthusiasm for pregnancy, describing it as a very boring nine months.

6.   ----- Despite her distinct lack of a southern accent, Wilson was raised in New Orleans.

7.   After the Chicago White Sox signed Albert Belle to add to an already good offensive lineup, they appeared to have a distinct lack of pitching.

8.   But with only momentary exceptions, there is a distinct lack of command emanating from the stage.

9.   For that reason, the current effort is hobbled by a distinct lack of enthusiasm and even some resentment among those organizing the black lobbying effort.

a. + lack >>共 332
apparent 6.65%
general 5.98%
total 5.37%
complete 4.90%
relative 4.30%
perceived 3.90%
utter 2.35%
serious 1.88%
same 1.81%
distinct 1.75%
distinct + n. >>共 649
possibility 6.02%
advantage 4.99%
personality 2.96%
group 2.22%
difference 1.93%
minority 1.88%
impression 1.83%
culture 1.68%
style 1.48%
disadvantage 1.48%
lack 1.28%
每页显示:    共 26