1.   I got the distinct impression he was trying to make me angry.

2.   I had the distinct impression that Rachel was displeased.

3.   It gave the distinct impression, I noticed, of being Cortina-shaped.

4.   The Alliance failed to make a distinct impression.

5.   The atmosphere in this dark room was oddly disquieting, giving him the distinct impression that he was not alone.

6.   The boy had the distinct impression he was about to meet some one who would welcome his arrival.

7.   We had the distinct impression that they were lying.

8.   Hypotheses seem to be effortlessly improvised out of thin air, the resulting theory giving the distinct impression of being a rather facile extemporisation.

9.   He strode away without giving her a chance to speak, leaving her with the distinct impression that she had just been steamrollered.

10.   Why did she get the distinct impression that she had just been steamrollered?

a. + impression >>共 357
first 15.10%
good 7.19%
lasting 6.92%
false 4.56%
strong 4.06%
overall 2.55%
wrong 2.19%
big 2.05%
initial 2.01%
favorable 1.92%
distinct 1.65%
distinct + n. >>共 649
possibility 6.02%
advantage 4.99%
personality 2.96%
group 2.22%
difference 1.93%
minority 1.88%
impression 1.83%
culture 1.68%
style 1.48%
disadvantage 1.48%
每页显示:    共 37