1.   Sometimes, the closest parallel for a design is many miles distant.

2.   And both traveled each day to Sheepshead Bay High, only a few miles distant, but seemingly a world away.

3.   A forest fire, perhaps, as smoke rises above the tree line a mile distant?

4.   About a mile distant, long-since razed, was Nukku Grammar School.

5.   They are, in some cases, many miles distant from the actual route taken by the explorers.

6.   Baba Jan said his forces were preparing to launch an attack on Taliban positions less than a mile distant.

a. + mile >>共 181
extra 12.56%
half 11.92%
last 8.53%
final 5.80%
long 4.51%
first 4.03%
wide 2.74%
endless 1.45%
distant 1.13%
high 1.13%
distant + n. >>共 744
third 5.71%
relative 5.04%
memory 4.61%
cousin 3.79%
past 3.27%
second 3.12%
place 1.89%
galaxy 1.74%
object 1.74%
dream 1.53%
mile 0.21%
每页显示:    共 7